Tuesday 23 December 2014

Direction - A path to achieve the goal

Posted by Ekta
Concept and definition
Direction is the process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals.
Infact managers play a significant role in direction by directing their subordinates the way they should do their work to achieve organisational objectives.
It takes place after planning, organising and staffing.
Directing can either lead to success or failure.

  • Haimann defines direction as the process and technique of issuing instructions and making certain that operations are carried out as planned.
  • Newman and Warren defined direction actively dealing with the steps a manager takes to get subordinates and others to carry out plans.
  • Marshall "Directing involve determining the course,giving order and instruction and providing dynamic leadership".
  • G R Terry "Directions means activating and moving into action-supplying stimulative power to the group".
Features of Direction
  1. An important managerial function.
  2. performed at every level of management that means it is all pervasive and the manager at every level provides guidance and inspiration to his subordinates.
  3. A continuous process as it is required through out the left of the organisation.
  4. Is initiated at the top level and followed to bottom through hierarchy.
  5. Serves dual purpose (a) aims at getting things done by subordinates, (b) to free superiors for other important work.
Human factor is predominant in the managerial function of direction.Since direction is to instruct human beings, who are emotional unpredictable and complex; it becomes all the more important and essential.Therefore, it is suggested to adopt delicacy and sobriety while tackling with human beings.

Direction is a creative activity and it helps in converting plans into performance.Without proper direction, people may become inactive and the organisational resources may also get wasted.

Importance of Direction
Direction plays an important role as every action is initiated through direction, which can be seen as follows:

  1. Initiates Actions
  2. Integrates Employees Efforts
  3. Enhances Individual's Performance
  4. Brings Change
  5. Brings Stability and Balance
Principles of Direction
  • It should be of such kind that leads to maximum individual contribution.
  • It should be in such a way that it streamlines and integrate both organisational and individual objectives.
  • It should not affect them adversely rather should provide adequate satisfaction.
  • It should be from one superior and should report to the same.
  • It should be properly chosen out of these three techniques- authoritarian, consultative and free-rein;depending upon the nature of superior and subordinates and the situational variables.
  • It should be given through proper communication skills.Thus,effective communication between superior and subordinate is the key to direction.

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