Monday 22 December 2014

Organising- A complex task

Posted by Ekta
Concept of Organising
Organising comes after the completion of creative phase of planning through which managers are able to define what is to be done;now the question arises who will do it.Then it is also the responsibility of managers to define who will do what and what will be the relationship among these persons.

  • Organising in general means systematic arrangement of activities.
  • Organising as a process of management essentially relates to sub-dividing and grouping of activities.
  • The outcome of the organising process is a set of formal relationships which is known as organisation structure.It becomes necessary to have divisions and sub-divisions of work among employees at different levels.
  • Ultimately,the work of the organisation is divided into a number of positions of employees and managers and establish a relationship between them.
Process of Organising
  • It has been well understood that Organising refers to the way in which the work of a group of people is arranged and distributed among group members.
  • The functions of organising includes
  1. Determination of the necessary activities to be performed.
  2. Creation of different necessary departments.
  3. Sections and positions to perform those activities.
  4. Establishing relationship among the various parts of an organisation.
  • The main purpose of Organising is to create a framework for the performance of the activities of an organisation in a systematic manner.
It is a process through which organisation structure is created and it consists of following elements or steps
1. Grouping
The first and foremost element in organising is the grouping i.e.,creating various departments, divisions and sections in order to perform this effectively, it is necessary to identify the activities, which would lead to the achievement of organisational objectives. Since the objectives of different organisations are different,it is therefore, necessary to determine the activities of each organisation separately After tracing them,they nee to be grouped into departments based on their similarities and differences. The responsible manager must check that all the necessary activities are performed;there is no duplication in performing various necessary activities, and activities are performed in a synchronised and co-ordinated way.It also has to be kept in mind while undergoing the process of departmentation that how many individuals should be put under the direct supervision of a superior manager.

2. Linking Groups
After creating different groups; which may be called as departments, divisions, sections, etc, the question arises how to link them up. It is well understood that no group can work in isolation and the law of interdependence prevails everywhere so, it becomes necessary to link them up so that they can operate in a co-ordinated manner. The shape of any organisation is determined,the way they have been linked with each other.For example in any manufacturing unit four major functions of production Marketing, Finance and Human Resource are there.Managerial positions will be created to supervise the activities of these departments.

3. Assigning Responsibility
Every individual is assigned with a particular task and made responsible to perform those activities. It is very important to assign different responsibilities to different individuals because of two major reasons
  • The total work in any organisation or department is so large that it cannot be completed by a single individual or by a few persons.
  • If the work is divided into smaller units,it becomes easy to assign work to individuals who have the necessary skill and knowledge to perform the work efficiently.
4. Delegating Authorities
No individual would be able to discharge his duties without having any power or authority so, it is an important part of 'Organising'.It becomes very necessary to define well about the responsibility, accountability and authority.Therefore, establishing clear cut relationship or hierarchy among individuals is important aspect of the organising process.At this stage it is important to have clear demarcation between responsibility, authority and accountability to allocate three of them separately to each individual.
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Accountability
5. Designing the Hierarchy Level
It is to design the connectivity between individuals to make the organisational working smooth and simple. It will basically make clear "who" will be reporting to "whom".


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