Thursday 22 January 2015

Manpower Planning-Forecasting the future needs

Posted by Ekta
Manpower planning is a process through which an organisation ensures that right people, at right place and at right time are available.

Geisler "Manpower planning is the process including forecasting, developing, implementing, and controlling by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people and right kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, doing things for which they are economically most suitable".

Decenzo and Robbins "Human resource planning is the process by which an organisation ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organisation achieve its overall objectives."

Manpower Planning Process
Manpower planning process contains following steps

1. Linking Organisational Objectives and plans
It is important in manpower planning process to know clearly about the objectives of any organisation out of which plans and policies are generated and it is very important to identify and incorporate organisational policies with regard to effective utilisation of human resources in planning process.
It is necessary to know well in advance that

  • Whether the vacancies are to be filled by promotions or by hiring from outside.
  • how are the training and development models going to meet the manpower planning objective.
  • what are the problems related to union and what policies are needed to handle them?
  • is there any need of downsizing to get the effective working of the organisations?
  • what are methods to ensure continuous availability of skilled and adaptive workforce.
2. Forecasting Manpower Requirement
In the second step manpower need are forecasted which are streamlined to organisational objectives.Manpower needs depends upon the scale of operations of the organisation over that period of time and some other factors like machine-man ratio,change in productivity etc.
Forecasting manpower requirements make our work easy in the following ways
  • It makes us clear about the amount of services required to produce a given number of goods.
  • To determine the quality of personnel required in future.
  • It does a complete survey of staffing levels in different parts of the organisation.
3 Preparing Manpower Inventory
Manpower inventory means putting together information related to person's skills, abilities and potentials. Manpower inventory can be classified as Managerial and Non Managerial skills inventory.

4. Identifying Manpower Gap

  • It is very important to forecast manpower gap to have the smooth functioning of any organisation.Manpower gap is the difference between man-power required at a particular time and the personnel being available at that particular time.
  • This gap may be either in the form of having surplus human resources or having shortage of human resources. Only calculating the number of personnel will not serve the purpose rather it has to be measured in respect of various types of personnel.
  • How to deal with both the cases of surplus as well as shortage of personnel is going to be explained in the next step of action plans.
5. Planning the Action
  • In case of surplus manpower actions, such as voluntary retirement scheme, layoff, retrenchment reduced working hours can be taken, considering legal problems.
  • In case of shortage of human resources actions, such as recruitment and selection, promoting personnel, developing personnel, motivating and integrating them with the organisation can be implemented.


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