Wednesday 24 December 2014

Techniques of Direction

Posted by Ekta
1. By giving Orders and Instructions
A manager can adopt this technique of giving orders and instructions.He conveys the nature of work processes and procedures adopted and timing of job performance. It has to be well understood by the subordinates what work they should do,how they should do and when they should do through this technique.

2. By Monitoring
It is very necessary to take the follow-up of the instructions/orders given by the manager to know whether the subordinates have carried out orders and instructions properly or not.There can be reasons like they might not have understood clearly,the might not have adequate resources,there might be contradictory orders creating confusion; of not carrying out the instructions properly.If needed,the manager may withdraw,amend, change the orders or may provide further explanations and help his subordinates to accomplish them.

3. By following Organisational Rules and Policies
Most of the organisations formulate certain guidelines, set some norms, rules and regulations, on them and do not feel the need of giving any extra instructions and orders.This happens more in the case of routine work and special instructions are given only for special assignments.

4. By understanding Subordinates Behaviour
Some managers adopt this technique of understanding their subordinates behaviour, capabilities and select the pattern of directing accordingly.Majorly, these are three behavioural patterns- Autocratic, Participative and Free-rein. In autocratic, the superior gives instructions in detail but does not involve his subordinates at all in decision making process.
In participative, Decision making is a joint process between the superior and his subordinates;detailed instructions are not required. In free-rein pattern, the superior does not provide orders and instructions at all; only the broad guidelines for taking the right decision are provided. Now,it depends on the skill of superior understanding the subordinates behavioural pattern and making it possible with that.


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