Wednesday 7 January 2015

Techniques of Effective Co-ordination

Posted by Ekta
Managers  have to develop certain special skills to achieve effective co-ordination.

  • The manager can achieve the co-ordination by issuing orders and instructions to his subordinates, by defining the authority of his subordinates, their functions and timing in a proper and crystal clear manner. The above technique of chain of command has certain limitations then that can be overcome by dynamic leadership styles.
  • Committee is a body of persons entrusted with a responsibility to discharge a particular function as a group.It is more effective in horizontal co-ordination. Committee may facilitate group closeness by opening free communication channel to have exchange of ideas, problems, proposals and solutions; which will lead to collective decisions and improved understanding of organisational goals. This all will ultimately lead to better co-ordination.
  • Although, staff meetings are the regular feature of every organisation but conducting them effectively, regularly and in organised way will certainly bring better co-ordination because of the following reasons will bring a sense of belongingness among the members of the organisations-everyone will feel well informed and important. Subordinates will learn about new problems and their solutions.
  • New and innovative ideas may be generated, if the solutions are being asked from even the subordinates- subordinates will be able to ask certain questions  related to the problem  they face while working- an open forum for discussion will help out in letting the pent up emotions out and flow of positive energies will be facilitated.
  • Special co-ordinators may be appointed in case of large organisations to collect the relevant information and send this to various heads of departments or sections so that inter departmental work and relationship is coordinated.
  • The functioning of every department can also be modified in such a way that each department is automatically co-ordinated with other departments and provide them with the kind of information they are in need of. It is known as self co-ordination and can be achieved by having good horizontal communication.
Essentials of Effective Co-ordination
  1. Clarity in organisational structure and job responsibilities If authority and responsibility of each unit and individual are not well defined and are not being stated clearly time to time, then the problem of lack of co-ordination emerges. Therefore, authority and responsibility of various teams should be prescribed clearly from time to time.
  2. Clarity in work-procedures If substantive part is clear, then only procedural part will be clear. Well defined work procedures will facilitate procedural coordination, followed strictly.
  3. Proper communication system An effective communication system ensures adequate, clear and timely information at various points in the organisation. The main purpose of communication is to inform, command, instruct, persuade, motivate, stimulate, prompt, influence, and integrate. If all these functions are performed properly then not only effective work performance is achieved but effective co-ordination also.
  4. Proper feedback The system of proper feedback will not only ensure effective coordination but help to correct  those factors which create problems in co-ordination because in this way we will have adequate check and  inspection to know what is happening in the organisation, where the problems of co-ordination exist; and what factors are responsible for such problems.
  5. Proper organisational culture something without which coordination cannot exist in any organisation and it is dependent on many things. Leaders have to take the responsibility of building up an effective organisation culture and once it is established, then there is no need to look upon the problem of coordination.
Principles of Co-ordination
The classical management thinker-Mary Parker Follett suggested four basic principles of co-ordination and two were added later on which are as follows
  1. Principle of Direct Contact
  2. Co-ordination at Early Stage
  3. Principle of Continuity
  4. Principles of Dynamics
  5. Principle of Timing
  6. Principle of Reciprocal Relationship


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