Thursday 8 January 2015

Communication-The Human Power

Posted by Ekta
Concept and Definition
We are living in an age, which is full of challenges and competitions. To the best of our capabilities, we try to meet these challenges. A person might possess a number of good qualities necessary for fulfilling day to day obligations, but lack of effective communication abilities might make the task difficult.Today, it cannot be denied that an individual's success or failure largely depends on his/her communicative abilities. Now let us try to understand what the term communication means.
The term communication comes from the Latin word communis, which means to share. Communication refers to the commonness or sharing of information, ideas facts, opinions, attitudes and understanding. Communication essentially means transmission of commonly meaningful information. When we attempt to define communication we look at its dynamic and evolving nature.Communication has been defined in several ways, as people have different conceptions about it. Over the years it has been changing and interpreting differently by different eminent scholars.
Few of the definitions have been given as follows

Keith (1993) defines communication as "The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person. It is a way of reacting others with facts, ideas, thoughts and values. It is a bridge of meaning among people so that they can share what they feel and know. By using this bridge a person can cross safely the river of misunderstanding that sometimes separates people".

Miller (1951) puts it this way "Communication takes place when there is information at one place or person and we want to get it to another place or person".

Verdman (1970) describes a design for effective communication and says,"Effective communication is purposive symbolic interchange resulting in workable understanding and agreement between the sender and the receiver".

Redfield  "Communication is the broad field of human interchange of facts and opinions".

Revesz "Communication encompasses all forms of expression which serves the purpose of mutual understanding".

Berelso and steiner "Communication is the transmission of ideas, emotions and skills through the use of symbols and graphs. It is the act or process of transportation that is usually called communication".

Anderson "Communication is the process by which we understand others and in turn endeavour to be understood by them.It is dynamic constantly changing and shifting in response to the total situation".

Ruesh "Communication is the process that links discontinuous parts of world to one another".

A great variety of definitions are available on communication. Various writers, social scientists, novelists, management associations, and others have defined communication in so many ways that a standard definition of communication does not exist. One need not surprise if communication is called a chameleon word-one that changes its meaning and application with each person who uses it. 


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