Friday 23 January 2015

The Difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Planning

Posted by Ekta
The difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Planning can be understand with the help of following points

  • While employing Personnel Management aims at the written contracts made earlier between management, employees, unions and other associations, whereas, Human Resource Planning aims to go beyond contracts.
  • Personnel Management gives due importance to rules, regulations and norms but HRM gets impatience with stringent rules and works with a broader outlook.
  • In case of Personnel Management,procedures are the guide to management action but HRM is completely guided by business needs.
  • Personnel Management's behaviour referent are norms, customs and practices but the behaviour referent of HRM are values and ethics.
  • The relationship between managers and subordinates in case of Personnel Management is of monitoring type but in case of Human Resource Planning, it is of nurturing type.
  • The most important relation in case of Personnel Management has been considered with labour but in HRM customers are the most important.
  • Leaders in case of Personnel Management are of Transactional type but leaders in HRM are of Ttransformational type.
  • Most of the communication in Personnel Management takes place indirectly as whereas, in HRM it is of direct type.
  • Selection process is separate and marginal in Personnel Management but integrated and key task in case of Human Resource Planning.
  • Conditions and working culture are is more harmonious in case of Personnel Management as compared to Human Resource Planning.
  • Job categories and grades are more in Personnel Management as compared to Human Resource Planning.
  • Job in case of Personnel Management are designed keeping in view the concept of Division of Labour whereas, in case of Human Resource Planning, they are designed keeping in view the concept of Team Work.
  • While designing training and development programmes there is limited access to courses in case of Personnel Management as compared to Human Resource Planning.
  • The focus of attention for interventions in case of Personnel Management is limited to personnel procedures whereas, it is much wider in case of Human Resource Planning and ranges to cultural, structural and personnel strategies.
  • In Personnel Management labour is treated as a tool to accomplish the objective and which is expandable as well as replaceable, whereas in case of Human Resource Planning people are treated as assets to be used for the benefit of an organisation, its employees and the society as a whole.
  • In Personnel Management interests by organisation are utmost,whereas "mutuality of interest" concept prevails in case of HRM.
  • Personnel Management is the earlier concept whereas HRM is the latest evolution of the subject.


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