Monday 19 January 2015

Line and Staff- Basic terminology of Personnel Management

Posted by Ekta
The business world is changing very rapidly and each day new kind of problems are cropping up and it requires specialisation in these fields to deal with these conditions. As it is impossible for an individual to have specialisation in each fields. so it required staff function which provides beneficial support to line function. Staff function is secondary business activity that support line function.

Allen, "Line functions are those which have direct responsibility for accomplishing the objectives of the enterprise and staff refers to those elements of the organisation that help the line to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objectives of the enterprise."

Knootz and others, Line authority becomes apparent from the scalar principle as being that relationship in which a superior exercises direct supervision over a subordinate an authority relationship in direct line or step. The nature of staff relationship is advisory. The function of people in a pure staff capacity is to investigate, research and give advice to line managers to whom they report.

Although, there is no thick line or inflexible between line and staff functions, especially for practical purposes but it is very important to understand the difference between line and staff theoretically due to following reasons
(a) In today's modern and global world, where big multinationals and corporate houses are there and highly efficient and skilled managers are required to accomplish the objectives.One person cannot show commendable performance in all areas and different experts are needed to get the work done efficiently. So, it becomes very important to understand the difference between line and staff functions and managers to provide specialised services. It may lead to conflict reducing organisational efficiency if the managers requiring and using such services and specialists providing the services do not understand the nature of relationship existing between them.
(b) It is necessary to put check and balances at every step in the organisations. Each for or activity throughout the organisation is opposed by a counterforce to check and balance the forces in the organisation to avoid monopoly and autocratism. This all is possible only after understanding the difference between line and staff functions.
(c) It is very important to identify line and staff functions to maintain accountability in the organisation.Each person in the big organisation has a definite role and responsibility to play. Thus, persons who are accountable for end results should be identified. Failure in proper identification often leads to overlapping the use of authority leading to conflict between line and staff.

How to overcome Line-Staff Conflict
For the smooth functioning of the organisation, it is necessary that both line and staff work harmoniously but it is an ideal situation. Practically conflict arises because of the organisational situations in which they work. Following are the ways to overcome the conflict

  • By understanding of line-staff authority relationship.
  • By motivating line people to make proper use of staff.
  • By motivating staff people to give proper solutions.
  •  By building up an effective organisational culture.


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