Tuesday 20 January 2015

Job Analysis - Basic Requirement of Personnel

Posted by Ekta
Job Analysis is the process of collecting job related information. Such information helps in the preparation of job description and job specification. Job analysis was conceptualized by two of the founders of industrial or organisational psychology, Federick Taylor and Lillian Moller Gilberth. It provides the information which helps to determine which employees are best fit for specific job.

U S Labour Job Analysis is the process of determining, by observation and study, and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the determination of the tasks which comprise the job and the skills, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker for a successful performance and which differentiates one job from all others.

Flippo Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate products of this analysis are job descriptions and job specifications.

Uses of Job Analysis

  • Provide base for different jobs.
  • Helps in organisational design.
  • Human resource planning.
  • Recruitment and selection.
  • Orientation and placement.
  • Career planning.
  • Training.
  • Job evaluation.
  • Performance Appraisal.
  • Employee safety.
  • Counselling.
Process of Job Analysis
Job analysis is a sequential process undergoing the following steps
1. Understanding the relevance of Job Analysis
It has been well understood in the previous chapter that job analysis is extremely useful and basic ingredient for most of the HR practices.

2. Collecting the Information
After undergoing the first step, relevant information is collected to formulate the various characteristics of job.

3. Processing the Information
After the information is collected, it becomes important to process the information by editing and keeping them under relevant categories.
  • Identifying the need of job analysis
  • Identifying the person and process to conduct it
  • Confirming and training the job analyst
  • Implementing the process.
  • Collecting data,documenting it, verifying and reviewing it.
  • Developing job description and job specification.


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