Sunday 11 January 2015

Language as tool of communication

Posted by Ekta
Language (verbal and non- verbal) is the tool that we use for interaction with other humans.And it is that interaction that gives us our identity as individual human beings. Language is a magic. It can do  miracles like to convince somebody or to teach something. It is said that human beings started thinking when he created the language.Language is a key aspect of effective communication. As a highly essential part; language should be used such as it may help receiver not only to receive the message but also to assimilate it. Written words become a record of things planned,carried out and acknowledged. In writing also, language is a vital tool. Words can be used effectively if we have a good working vocabulary. As a student, there is a need to develop a better attitude towards reading and clear thinking.

It is an art of expressing the right things at the right occasions; but it is far more difficult to leave unsaid wrong thing at the tempting occasion.

Oral Communication

  • Oral communication refers to the spoken words and understood in the form of sounds.
  • It is the most commonly used method for communication mostly in informal situations inside and outside business entities.
  • It is also referred as verbal communication and usage of non-verbal communication deftly makes it more impressive and effective.
  • Oral communication takes place in many ways-casual and serious, formal and informal, structured and unstructured.
  • Oral communication is instantaneous two way process in which prompt response is there.
  • Oral communication can be readily used, persuasive, cost effective and facilitates effective and fruitful conversation.
  • Oral communication works very well in small groups where there is informal and friendly environment.
  • Oral communication is not effective in very large groups and rigid and closed environment.
  • Oral communication has it own constraints of hesitation, not having full command on the language, accent and vocabulary.
  • Oral communication may not be effective in the presence of various physical and psychological barriers.Oral communication does not work in extremely formal conditions where record keeping and documentation is quite important.
Written Communication
Written communication may take the form of letters, memorandum, instruction bulletins, suggestion box,etc.No business can exist without writing.Written words become a record of things planned, carried out and acknowledged.Words can be used effectively, if we have good working vocabulary.It has been observed that an individual learns around 12000 words till his high school.He learns an additional 3000-4000 words during till his graduation. He learns an additional 300-400 word during his professional career.Most of these words which can be maximum of 18000-20000 words are hanging in our vocabulary but in no case one has a working vocabulary of 1200 to 1300 words.But above all the ways of expressing thought and putting those on papers have no real substitute.
  • Written communication is well structured and quite useful in formal situations.
  • Written communication includes good vocabulary and collection of all relevant facts and figures to make the communication effective,concrete and well-structured.
  • Written communication helps in maintaining records and documents that can be preserved over a period of time.
  • Written communication has the facility of making amendments if any error has occurred.
  • The scope of written communication is wide and facilitates repeated reference.
  • Written communication does not depends on the memory of the listeners since records can be referred again, whenever required.
  • Written communication is more time consuming and requires conscious effort.
  • Written communication is left interactive and is constrained by vocabulary, writing skills, handwriting and efficiency of the tools used.


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