Saturday 10 January 2015

Business Communication-- Necessary Tool

Posted by Ekta
Business communication is a multi-dimensional, dynamic and interactive process that involves the effective transmission of facts, ideas, thoughts and systematic understanding of scientific theories and practical aspects".Defined by Newstrom and Keith Davis.
Business Communication always has specialised content, specific audience, specific purpose, specific time and specific place.

Features of Business Communication
To communicate effectively in the business world is not an easy job. A good communicator should posses the following characteristics

  1. Conciseness : In business communication whatever one has to say should be very brief,to the point, concise.
  2. Clarity : In business communication one should use accurate, simple and familiar words and short sentences.
  3. Simplicity : As far as possible, information should be conveyed to others in a simple and direct manner. To attain  simplicity in writing one should use simple language.
  4. Logical development of ideas : The purpose of business communication is to communicate information in such a manner that everyone can comprehend it properly.
  5. Consideration : Consideration refers to the receiver.What we are going to convey should be understandable from the receiver's point of view.
  6. Concreteness : It is the essential requirement of effective business communication. To bring concreteness in communication, the following guidelines should be followed.
  • Use visual aids like graph, charts, tables and diagrams.
  • Use specific facts and figures
  • Use active voice
     7.  Accuracy : It is very important to maintain accuracy in business communication. Inaccurate                 expressions may hamper the effect of business communication.

Importance of Business Communication
The importance of business communication is better understood from the following points
  • Helps to present the knowledge related to business world effectively.
  • Best medium for technological advancement.
  • Important means of Interaction.
  • Handles competition properly
  • Motivates scientists and researchers.
  • Unified individual activities.


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