Tuesday 13 January 2015

Flow of Communication

Posted by Ekta
On the basis of the flow of information, communication may be classified into four types

  • Downward Communication
  • Upward Communication
  • Horizontal Communication
  • Diagonal Communication
1. Downward Communication
When information passes from the higher level to the lower levels, downward communication takes place.The communication from the manager to the employees shows the downward flow of information.Notices, letters, circulars, memos, emails, face to face conversation, etc. are the different modes of downward communication.The objectives of downward communication are
  • To give instruction, advice, request, ideas to the subordinates.
  • To prescribe methods, policies and procedures of the organisation. To facilitate employees with new decisions and guidelines.
2. Upward Communication
In upward communication the flow of information goes from the lower levels to the higher levels. The communication from the employees to the manger, shows upwards communication reports, proposals, suggestion box, etc. are the different forms of upward communication.The purposes of upward communication are as follows
  • To keep the superiors informed about the progress of the work.
  • To suggest measures for improvement.
  • To communicate grievances.
3. Horizontal or Lateral Communication
Horizontal communication shows the transfer of information among persons working at the same level. The forms of horizontal communication may include letters, memos, meetings,gossips, conferences, etc. The main objectives of horizontal communication are
  • To promote teamwork and co-ordination among employees of different departments.
  • To exchange information among various employees of different departments.
  • To solve problems among various employees of different departments.
4. Diagonal Communication
Diagonal communication is also known as crosswise communication. It flows in all directions and cuts across different levels in an organisation. When a supervisor in the marketing department communicates directly with the managing director of production, who is not only in a different department but also at a higher level in an organisation, diagonal communication takes place. Letters, emails, telephone calls, face to face contacts are included in the forms of diagonal communication.Its prime objectives are:
  • To promote the feelings of fraternity and equality in the corporate sector.
  • To increase the efficiency and speed of organisational activities.


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