Friday 16 January 2015

7C's of Business Communication

Posted by Ekta
1. Completeness means the message has to be complete; it bring desired results; no chance of lawsuit; it provides necessary information and answer all the question give something extra, when required.

2. Conciseness means to be brief, fewest possible words; benefits- saves time and expense, more interesting.
Following are the suggestions to achieve conciseness

  • Avoid wordy expressions,
  • Include only relevant information,
  • Avoid unnecessary repetition, and organise the message well.
3. Clarity The message has to be crystal clear which can be achieved through appropriate length of sentences.
Choosing precise, concrete, familiar and simple words. Constructing effective sentences and paragraphs no pompous words. 

4. Correctness Accuracy of facts, figures and words otherwise no credibility will be there, no outdated information should be given in business communication.

5. Concreteness Specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general.
Use concrete expressions- use specific facts and figures. Put action in your verbs, choose vivid image building words.
e.g.-Goods are soon being dispatched. Goods will be dispatched on 2nd july.

6. Consideration A message with the intended receiver in mind; focus on 'you' instead of 'I' and 'we'; show audience benefit, emphasise positive pleasant facts, Show empathy. e.g.-
I was happy to hear that my letter of september 10 provided you sufficient information/thank you for your assurance that you have sufficient information.
Avoid gender bias chairperson/chairman, police/policemen, sir/madam, gentlemen/ladies use plural forms-including both the genders- All the members cast their vote.
The manager talked to his customer/the manager talked to the customers.
Avoid negative words- fear, mistake, disagree, wrong, damage.

7. Courtesy Thank, generousity, apologies for a mistake, avoid irritating expressions, use non-discriminatory expressions; equal treatment- regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin and physical features.


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