Thursday 18 December 2014

Nature and Characteristics of Planning Management

Posted by Ekta
Planning has some unique characteristics of its own which separate it from other managerial functions.

     1.Primacy of Planning 
  • Planning is the first and foremost activity of managerial function.
  • Planning gives foundation for all other function like organizing,staffing,directing,controlling, etc.
  • All functions are performed to achieve the objectives set by the planning process.
     2. Pervasiveness of Planning
  • Planning is a function which exists at all levels of management.Starting from the Board of Directors to the last line worker,everyone needs to be efficient in planning.
  • The style,the span and the content of planning vary at different levels as top level management's area is quite widen as compared to the lower and middle level of management.The decisions taken by the top level personnel affect the organisation more as compared to the low level management.Some examples of Planning are Production Planning,Inventory Planning,Financial Planning,Project Planning,etc.
     3. Future Oriented
  • Planning is a process which focuses at future and make plans to tackle the future events.
  • The managers need to consider the situations,the constraints,the facilities,the resources within and outside the organisation to make a good plan.
    4. Based on Information
  • It is not possible to have a good plan without proper,accurate and timely information.Not only latest information but the information about the past and thinking about the future is equally important.
    5. Rationality
  • Planning can not be based on the whims and fancies of the manager but it has to be completely logical and rational
  • It is the purposeful and conscious effect of manager backed by the information,understanding and knowledge.
   6. Formal as well as Informal in Nature
  • Although,planning is formal affair but may be done informally.
  • Formal planning is done through investigation by analysis of various factors and is a step by step process which proceeds very logically.
  • Informal planning is done by the managers concerning day to day activities through the word of mouth and is quite flexible in nature.
   7. Intellectual Process
  • The manager has to have the ability to think in a logical way and understand things to plan effectively.
  • The manager has to have ability to viz problems,and analyse them and find them the suitable solutions for them.
  • The manager has to have the ability to view the coming opportunities and threads in the near future.
  • The manager has to have the ability to choose the right course of action.
   8. Action Oriented
  • Although,it is an intellectual process but it needs practical, flexible and sensible way of action rather than fixed ideas or theories.
  • Planning follows action, therefore, the need to be practical, flexible and implementable.
  9. Decision Making
  • Planning involves decision making based on organisational policies, Programmes,strategies,objectives, other plans and procedures.


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