Tuesday 16 December 2014

Quantitative,Social Systems,Contingency Approach

Posted by Ekta
Quantitative Approach
1.This approach originated during world war-II when strategists tried to apply scientific knowledge and methods to the complex problems of war.
2. George Dantzig developed linear programming,an algebraic method to determine the optimal allocation of scarce resources.
3. The advent of the computer made many management science tools and concepts more practical and applicable for the industry.
4. Management information system made all this more significant to the management practices as it provided information needed to managers in a useful format and at the proper time.
5. Production and operations management came into focus and developed into an identifiable area of management study after World War II,although it has its roots in scientific management.
6. W Edwards Deming exerted tremendous influence in shaping modern ideas about improving productivity and quality.
7. The areas like capacity planning,facilities location,materials requirement planning,scheduling,purchasing,inventory control and quality control are the important areas to be studied in operations management.

Social Systems Approach
Chester Barnard, George Homans, Philips Selznick and Herbert Simon have contributed their best in conceptualising the systems approach,which are as follows
1. A system is a set of interdevelopment parts,which together form a unitary whole that performs some function. The interdependent parts of an organisation are task,structure,people and technology.
2. A system can be either open or closed. It is considered as open if it interacts with its environment.A system is as considered closed if it does not interact with the environment.Traditional organisation theorists regarded organisations as closed systems while,according to the modern view,organisations are open systems,constantly interacting with their environments.
3. Every system has its own boundaries,which separates it from other systems in the environment.In open system boundaries are penetrable and in closed system boundaries cannot be penetrated.
4. The function of management is to be the linking pin among the various subsystems and facilitate the flow of communication.
5. Every system has flows of information,material and energy.These things enter the system as inputs and exist the system as outputs.
6. The inputs of a business organisation are raw materials,equipment,human effort,technology and information.
7. The outputs are in the form of goods,services and satisfactions.
8. The output of a system is always more than the Combined output of its parts.This is called Synergy.In organisational terms synergy refers to the increase in productivity when separate departments within an organisation Co-operate,coexist and interact as compared to the productivity when they acted in isolation.

Contingency Approach
According to this approach,management values and concepts of various schools have no universal applications.There is no optimal or single best way of doing things under all conditions.
1. It means that methods and techniques which are highly effective in one situation,may not work in other situations.Results differ because situations differ.
2. The given approach suggests that the task of managers is to identify which technique will best suit the situation and help in attaining the management goals.
3. Thus,managers need to employ a sort of situational sensitivity and practical selectivity.


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