Tuesday 16 December 2014

Planning : Need of every Organisation

Posted by Ekta
Planning involves the determination of future course of action.Planning is deciding in advance what to do and how to do.It is one of the basic managerial functions.

Concept of planning
Koontz and O' Donnell "Planning is deciding in advance what to do,how to do and who is to do it.Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go.It makes it possible for things to occur which would not otherwise happen".

MC Farland "Planning may be broadly defined as a concept of executive action that embodies the skills of anticipating,influencing and controlling the nature and direction of change".

Terry and Franklin "Planning is selecting the information and making assumptions regarding the future to formulate activities necessary to active organisation objectives".
 In short planning is preparing today for tomorrow.It is the activity that allows managers to determine what they want and how they will achieve it.

Features of Planning
After defining and understanding the concept of planning following features can be deduced about the main function of management.

  • Future oriented : Planning basically focus on future.It is an absurd idea to plan what has already been happened in the past.So,correct forecasting of future situation leads to correct decisions about future courses of action.
  • Planning and decision making : Planning also involve the selection of suitable course of action.In planning it is recommended to select the best option out of all available alternatives.
  • Pervasive function : Planning is all pervasive and required at all levels of management.However,its role increases at successively higher levels of management.
  • Continuous process : Planning is a continuous process and managers performing at all levels need to plan.Managers need to be imbibed with the complex processes of perception,analysis,conceptual thought,communication,decision and action.


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