Monday 15 December 2014

Behavioural Approach

Posted by Ekta
Behavioral Approach consider Organisations as groups of individuals with objectives.
The realistic model given by Behavioral scientists is quit complex and the model suggests that different people react differently to the same situation or react the same way to different situations. The manager should alter and customise his approach to control people according to their individual needs.
The behavioral approach to organisation differences and change is quite practical. It says that
1. Conflict is inevitable and sometimes is even desirable and should faced with understanding and determination.
2. Every organisational change involves technological and social aspects,also it is generally the social aspect of a change that people resist.
A new school of thought known as the management process school came into existence,which drew motivation from Fayol.

Hawthorne Experiments
The term was coined in 1950 by Henry A Landsberger experiments from 1924-1932 at Hawthorne Works.
Hawthorne works had commissioned a study to see if its workers become more productive in higher or lower levels of light. The workers productivity seemed to impower when changes were made.
It was suggested that the productivity increases due to motivation effect on the workers.

Implications Of Hawthorne Experiments
* Social factors in output
* Group influence
* Conflict
* Leadership
* Supervision
* Communication

Criticism of Hawthorne 
1. Did not focus to the attitudes that people bring them to the workplace.
2. Did not recognise forces as class consciousness,the role of unions,other extra plant forces.
3. Typical,unpleasant place,cannot be generalised-howthorne plant.
4. Workers means to an end;not an end himself.

The Human Relations Movement
Managers started observing that employees do not follow predetermined and balanced patterns of behaviour.
Managers started dealing more effectively with the 'people side'of their organisation.
The original inspiration for the movement,however,came from the Hawthorne experiments done by prof. Elton Mayo and his colleagues at Western Electric company's Plant in Cicero, Illinois from 1927-1932. The experiment undergoes the following way
1. Illumination Experiments
2. Relay Assembly Test Room
3. Interviewing Programme
4. Bank wiring Observation


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