Monday 6 May 2013

Perception : Influence Others with Ease !

Posted by Ekta
Perception is a process by which an individual organises and interprets his sensory impressions in order to give meaning to his environment.
   Perception takes place whenever you have human sensation which gives rise to perceptual process,cognitive process-analytical process in the brain to have the knowledge about what is happening around us.It is a process of receiving,selecting,organising,interpreting,checking and reacting to sensory stimuli and data.
According to Uday Parekh,"percetion process is something which comprises of six organs:

  1. Receiving
  2. Selecting
  3. Organising
  4. Response
  5. Checking
  6. Interpreting
Perception can be negative or positive.For positive perception,there are five main attributes:
  1. Develop your attitude
  2. Be empathetic
  3. Improve self image
  4. Free communication
  5. Avoid perceptual distortions
Importance of Perception:
Perception affects the outcome of behaviour.This is so because people act on the basis of what they see.Hence,in understanding behaviour,the managers must recognize that facts people do not perceive meaningful usually will not influence their behaviour,whereas the things they believe to be real,even though factually incorrect or non-existent,will influence it


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