Sunday 5 May 2013

Administrative Theory : Scientific Management Group

Posted by Ekta
Scientific Management group was primarily concerned with problems at the operative level and did not emphasise managerial organisation and processs.The Administrative theorists-Weber,Fayol,Gulick,Sheldon,Mooney and Reiley and Urwick have viewed the central problem as being one where there must be identification of tasks necessary for achieving the general purpose of the organisation and of the grouping or departmentation to take place to fulfil those functions most effectively.As such this approach is referred to as departmentalisation.The similarity between scientific management and administrative management theories is found in the context that both treat organisation as a closed system;however,there are differences between the two.
Henry Fayol divided his approach of studying management into three parts:

  1. Managerial qualities(physical,mental,moral,educational,technical and ecperience)
  2. Elements of management(planning,organising,commanding,coordination and controlling)
  3. General principles of management:
  • Divison of work
  • Discipline
  • Unity of direction
  • Subordination of individual interest to general interests
  • Fair remuneration
  • Scalar chain
  • Equity and a sense of justice
  • Initiative
  • Esprit de corps
  • Authority and responsibility
  • Unity of command
  • Centralisation
  • Order
  • Stability of tenure 


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