Tuesday 7 May 2013

Attitude : Understanding Human Psychology

Posted by Ekta
The importance of attitude in understanding Psychological Phenomenon was given formal recognition early in the history of social Psychology.From the time of the concepts entry into the language of Psychology until now,interest in attitudes has been strong and growing.However,over the years,attitudes have been studied with differing emphasiss and methods.
Attitude have been thought as serving four functions and there by influencing the behaviour.These are:

  1. Utilitarian or instrumental
  2. Ego-defensive
  3. Value-orientation
  4. Knowledge
Attitude is a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way towards some object.Attitude comprise of three components:
  1. Emotional Attitude
  2. Informational component
  3. Behavioural component
Factors in Attitude formation:
  1. Group Factors
  2. Family
  3. Reference Groups
  4. Social classes
  5. Personality Factors
Developing Positive Attitude by individuals:
  • Identification of attitudes
  • Looking for positive
  • Building positive self-esteem
  • Setting challenging targets
  • Avoiding procrastination
  • Continuous Learning


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