Wednesday 10 December 2014

Levels of Management

Posted by Ekta

Broadly Management can be divided into three levels namely Top level management, Middle level Management and Low level Management.

1.Top Level Management
Top Level Management is generally occupied by the ownership group.It is highest level in the managerial hierarchy.

The functions of Top level management Can be stated in following points:

# Top level Is concerned to determining primary Objectives,formulating basic Policies,making Vital decisions,controlling and co-ordinating activities of personnel.
# To decide Corporate goals.
# To decide structure of organisation,creating various positions in organisation.
# Top Management perform the function of making plans,deciding corporate goals,creating various Positions,co-ordinating various subsystems and liaisoning with outside parties.

2.Middle Level Management
Middle level Management consists of departmental managers,deputy managers and Administrative Officers etc.
Middle level managers are the Link between top level and lower level managers.

# Their main function is to prepare departmental plan,establish departmental goals,perform other managerial functions,explain and interpret policy decisions to their subordinates.

3.Low Level Management
Low level management is also known as supervisory management.low level management constitutes factory supervisors,superintendents,foremen,sales supervisors etc.

The main functions of Low level Management:

# Planning of day to day work.
# Assignment of jobs and issuing orders and instructions.
# Evaluating operating performance.
# Sending reports and statements to high authorities.
# Their main function is to Guide and control the performance of rank and file workers and instruct them day to day activities.
# They also handle the grievances of the workers and evaluate their work Performance.


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