Tuesday 19 March 2013

Industrial Disputes and Their Causes

Posted by Ekta
The problem of Industrial Disputes is very complicated in our country.There are often Disputes between the Employers and the Workmen over maters relating to wages,hours of work,leave bonus,conditions of work and so on.The incidents of Strikes,Lockouts,Gherao,Dharna have become common.The intricacy of Industrial Relation can be judged from the fact that there were 2776 Industrial Disputes in 1968 involving about 16.7 lacs of workmen resulting in the loss of about 172 lacs of working/human days.Industrial Disputes are the result of several Economic,Social,Political and Administrative reasons.These reasons are:
  1. Inadequacy of Wages and Allowances
  2. Bonus
  3. Leave and Hours of Work
  4. Working Conditions
  5. Suspension,Dismissal and Retrenchment
  6. Non-Recognition of Trade Union
  7. Sympathetic Strike
  8. Non-Fulfilment of Agreement
  9. Victimization of Labour
  10. Rationalization,Scientific Management and Automation
  11. Political Causes


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