Thursday 6 September 2012

Concept of Industrial Relations

Posted by Ekta
"Industrial Relations"is a developing and dynamic fact,Industrial Relations exhibit the nature of the relations that exist between the Employers and the Employees.
There are two meanings of the term Industrial Relations a narrow meaning and a broad meaning.In the narrow sense of the term Industrial Relations mean the relationships which exist between the Employers and the Employees in an Industrial unit.But,broadly speaking industrial relations include all types of Relationships or born out of planning.there should be harmonious relations between the Employers and the Employees for maintaining Industrial peace.The concept of Industrial Relations has been made amply clear by several writers enumerated below:
  1. According to Bethal,Smith etc.,"Industrial Relations is that part of management which is concerned with the manpower of the Enterprise,whether machine operative,skilled worker or manager".
  2. According to E.F.L.Beach,"Industrial Relations and personnel management are almost synonymous terms with the only difference that the former places emphasis on the aspect of Employee relationship rather than on the Executive policies and activities that are set up to foster good Relations".
  3. According to Dale Yoder,the term industrial relations includes recruitment,"election,training and personnel management.
  4. International Labour Organization has included the relations between the state and the Employers in the term entitled Industrial Relations.


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